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Hello, World!

Welcome traveller, to Daydream, a (very) small group of people who enjoy role-playing games, tabletop and otherwise.

We are very passionate about what we do, and we strive to make quality and beautiful apps, as we enjoy engineering a lot - and we think the challenge of designing and writing code for games or companion apps for games is a perfect balance between fun and challenging (we like to play on hard).

Many hand-written notes, pencils, erasers, dice, and rulebooks

Our Story

Board games have always been a major interest of ours since university.

Sometime in 2016, watching some movie featuring a D&D session, we figured "hey, that D&D game looks cool, we should try it!"
And so we did. And it was terrible. A lot of questions, and a ton of looking up rules in the handbook, loads of idle time and confusion.

As a programmer, I figured it wouldn't be too hard to write a tiny app to keep track of our stats so we don't have to always check and update them on paper, and decided a 2-day hackaton should be enough to get an app done for our small group of friends.

So anyway, 6 months after the 2-day hackaton, the first version of the app was done, and it helped with our D&D sessions quite a bit.

It wasn't too long until we figured we could share it on the store, initially very light in features, but pretty.
As time went on, we realized working on this is actually quite fun, and we'd love to do this for a living.

This leads us to today, writing apps from passion, trying to to make them profitable so we can be living the dream and make a living by doing what we love :)

Want to know more, ask questions, meet other role-playing fans, or just have a chat?

Contact us on Facebook or Discord

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